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Rising Stars: Meet Izzy Bakr of Houston, TX

Today we’d like to introduce you to Izzy Bakr

Hi Izzy, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Longhorn Digital started as an idea born from my deep passion for graphic design and social media marketing. I’ve always been drawn to creative work, whether it’s designing logos, branding, or helping businesses tell their stories visually. Over the years, as I honed my skills, I realized that businesses often struggle with their digital presence, particularly on social media. I saw this as an opportunity to fill a gap.

I initially began freelancing, offering graphic design services. It wasn’t long before I expanded my focus to social media marketing, realizing the potential these platforms had in shaping brand narratives and driving engagement. This combination of visual storytelling and social media management became the foundation of Longhorn Digital. Based in Houston, Texas, we are now dedicated to helping businesses grow by building strong, cohesive social media strategies.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey has been watching my clients’ brands thrive, particularly small businesses and startups, which often need the most guidance. The journey hasn’t always been smooth—like any entrepreneur, I’ve faced challenges. But seeing the tangible impact of our work on our clients’ growth keeps me motivated. Today, Longhorn Digital specializes in helping businesses connect with their audiences through creative, results-driven social media campaigns.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road, but that’s part of the entrepreneurial journey. One of the biggest challenges early on was balancing the creative side of the business with the operational side. As a designer, I love the creative process, but running a business also requires handling finances, managing client relationships, and staying on top of marketing trends—it’s a lot to juggle.

Another struggle has been the learning curve of building a business from the ground up. When I started Longhorn Digital, I had to figure out everything, from pricing services to developing a content strategy that not only works for clients but also for my own brand. There were times when I doubted myself, especially when things weren’t going as planned, but I’ve learned that perseverance and adaptability are key.

Competition is another constant challenge. The digital marketing space is crowded, so standing out and consistently delivering value is crucial. I’ve had to continuously refine my services and stay updated with ever-changing social media trends and algorithms. This meant investing in education, like earning certifications and keeping myself immersed in the digital marketing world.

Despite these struggles, each hurdle has taught me valuable lessons. The challenges have made me stronger and helped me shape Longhorn Digital into the business it is today.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
As the founder of Longhorn Digital, I specialize in social media marketing and graphic design. My work is all about helping brands tell their story visually and strategically, especially on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I create content that not only looks great but also engages audiences and drives results. This ranges from developing brand identities to crafting social media strategies that align with a company’s goals.

What I’m most known for is my ability to blend creativity with strategy. I approach each project with a unique mix of design skills and marketing insight, ensuring that the visuals and the messaging work hand-in-hand to create real impact. I love the challenge of creating something that not only looks good but also helps a business grow its online presence and connect with its audience.

One of the things I’m most proud of is helping small businesses and startups find their voice in the crowded digital space. Seeing my clients grow and succeed because of the work we’ve done together is incredibly rewarding. I’ve helped clients increase their social media engagement, build brand recognition, and ultimately grow their business, which is what motivates me every day.

What sets me apart is the personalized approach I take with each client. I don’t believe in one-size-fits-all strategies. I take the time to understand each client’s unique goals and challenges, then craft a custom solution that fits them. It’s that dedication to understanding their brand that has allowed Longhorn Digital to stand out and consistently deliver results.

What does success mean to you?
For me, success is about impact and growth—both for myself and for the clients I work with. It’s not just about hitting financial targets or gaining more clients, though those are important markers. True success comes when I see the tangible difference my work has made in helping a business thrive. When a client tells me that their brand awareness has increased, or they’ve seen more engagement and growth because of the strategies we’ve implemented together, that’s success.

On a personal level, I define success by continuous learning and evolving. Every challenge, whether it’s a new project or navigating industry changes, is an opportunity to grow as a professional. I measure success by how much I’ve improved from where I started, how well I’ve adapted to new trends, and how I’ve stayed true to my values while scaling my business.

Ultimately, success is about making a meaningful difference and continuing to push myself creatively and professionally, while also maintaining a healthy balance between my work and personal life. If I can achieve that, I consider myself successful.


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