Today we’d like to introduce you to Johnny Forte.
Hi Johnny, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I got to where I’m at today because of a combination of things. Definitely, depression helped out a lot and being isolated and mistreated and just not giving a fuck has helped out a lot and being passionate about what I want to do it doesn’t matter what it is as long as I believe in it I will succeed. And also having the right people around you and them wanting you to succeed and not just to dry hate on you and trying to take your spot that helps out a lot when other people want to see you have fun which in turn it’s just fun for everybody.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
This has not been a smooth road it’s been very difficult to get to where I’m at a lot of setbacks a lot of people dry Hating a lot of people want to take my spot a lot of people don’t want to help a lot of people don’t believe in you even through all of that I still find a way God still finds a way for me or the universe or whatever you believe in. sometimes I don’t even do it myself it just happens I can’t really explain it but things just happen to fall in place. When it seems like it’s impossible. I went from being homeless living in my car not to long ago, to now living in my own place and having two vehicles maybe 2 to 3 vehicles actually how did that happen I still don’t really know how it happened but it happened because I guess I’m not so much of an asshole as everybody thinks I am and that it’s all about the energy you put out is the energy you get back right if you believe in that type of thing right? The only obstacles I have are people hating saying I got a listen to Them I ain’t gotta listen to shit half the time the people that are saying that I got listen to them don’t even pay my bills. The obstacles are that there are too many politics going on in the community. probably in every community, there’s way too many people. It’s like high school but for lames. the market in Houston is just way uncool sometimes it’s a great city but it’s just not cool majority of the time people are always looking out for themselves not really trying to help others out and if you don’t fit the mold or fit in with these people then you’re just gonna be on the outside forever and you know what I say to that fuck them and fuck you!
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am an artist. I am content creator right now at the moment I am an official professional DJ that deserves respect what sets me apart from everybody else maybe a few things maybe how I DJ or what I chose to DJ with. maybe my selection of songs maybe my personality maybe my hardheaded attitude maybe because I don’t wanna listen to anybody or depend on anybody when it comes to djing maybe because I don’t play nice with others never really have probably never really well and so that sets me apart from everybody else. Good or for bad. But at least I know I don’t have to kiss ass & suck dick to get to where I need too. Not saying that’s a bad thing I’m just not gonna do it.
So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
What matters to me the most right now at this moment is respect and people thinking they can do my job when they can’t even if they can they still can’t it’s more than just playing music Bruh it’s more than just buying the equipment it’s just way more deeper than that but I don’t think they really understand. but I know they should put respect on my name I am a professional DJ and I’ve been a professional for a while now
- 350 for first hour
Contact Info:
- Instagram: Fortecloud
- Twitter: Fortecloud
- SoundCloud: Fortecloud