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Rising Stars: Meet Jonny

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jonny.

Hi Jonny, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
From a young age, I have always been fascinated by how music was put together. When I heard music, I would be curious about what instruments were being played that made the sounds I like. My dad would put on disco music, contemporary music, Spanish rock and I would secretly steal his CD’s lol. When I was nine years old, I remember hearing Timbaland, the Neptunes, and Linking park for the first time, and I was like, wow, this is so different from the things people were hearing around me. I remember my little Sony CD player I would bring everywhere with me with my justified album CD lol In the area I grew up, anything that wasn’t hardcore gangster rap was considered “not cool,” which made me respect artists and producers like Timbaland and the Neptunes who weren’t afraid to make something different & always remember being so fascinated by how they had their own flavor and style to their sounds. When I turned eleven, I started learning Guitar. Around 13 I started a band with some friends I met at school. The new band and I started to play shows all around Houston. Playing these shows really made me fall in love with music that much more.

I remember downloading programs to record my band and that’s where I learned how to operate software and program drums, synths and structure music. In my late teens, after the band and I parted ways to do our own thing, I remember when Skrillex dropped “monsters and sprites” I was like, whoa, WHAT is this?! I have to know how to make these sounds! I started to learn sound design and drum programming. After High-school I wanted to look for talent to produce for like the Neptunes did for Justin Timberlake. I had a tough time meeting artists in Houston, not because there is no talent but because there is really no music scene spot that I knew of at the time. After putting myself out there, I eventually found some super talented people who had the same goals I do, and we created a writing team. since then, We have collaborated with artists from New York, Nashville & Los Angeles and will continue to expand.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The hardest part for me was life in general lol My parents are lovely, but they did not like the idea of me making music full-time and told me I need to get a real job lol. I remember going to guitar center and picking out things in my head like “I need that, that and that” because at the time, I couldn’t afford it. So I made it a point to study a technical career so I can afford all the gear I need. I failed ALOT of interviews but I kept trying and eventually I got hired and even though I got fired from a lot of jobs for not knowing what I was doing I was learning along the way than going home, producing music & studying how to not get fired from my job lol. I eventually landed a permanent job and was able to steadily save up for my home studio.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am a music producer that also makes the beats, mixes and masters the songs. From what my friends tell me, I am always able to mesh into any genre and make something awesome out of it. Personally, I am super grateful that life taught me how important work ethic was, and I have accepted the fact that if you really want something, you can make it happen. In my opinion, that’s what separates me from others.

What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
The most important lesson is to not worry about things you have no control over. You only have control over your outcome.

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