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Rising Stars: Meet Mariah Scott of River Oaks

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mariah Scott.

Mariah Scott

Hi Mariah, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
My journey has been anything but conventional, and that’s exactly how I like it. I started out as an international flight attendant and former beauty queen, two roles that allowed me to see the world and soak up the richness of different cultures. But deep down, I always knew that my true calling was in the kitchen. Cooking has always been my way of expressing creativity and love, and it was during my travels that I discovered the incredible diversity of flavors, ingredients, and techniques that I would later incorporate into my culinary creations.

Switching careers to become a chef was a leap of faith, but it was the best decision I ever made. I dove headfirst into the culinary world, I quit my job flying and went hard core in culinary school, worked three jobs at once honing my skills and absorbing everything I could about international cuisine.

Along the way, I had the incredible opportunity to be mentored by the legendary Iron Chef Cat Cora, which was a game-changer for me. Her guidance helped shape me into the chef I am today, and it fueled my passion for teaching and inspiring future chefs.

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to wear many hats – from private chef to high-profile clients, to competing as a finalist on Gordon Ramsay’s Next Level Chef, where I was dubbed the “food scientist, who makes delicious food” and where Gordon Ramsay declared that I had “ice in my veins” for my knack for thinking on the fly and creating recipes with minimal ingredients and working cool and calm under pressure.

My brand has grown to reflect my love for global flavors, Southern roots, and my mission to make every dining experience an unforgettable adventure.

Today, as a culinary professor, creator and consultant, I’m focused on passing on what I’ve learned to the next generation of chefs. I want to inspire them to be fearless in the kitchen, to embrace their creativity, and to find joy in the process. My journey has been filled with twists and turns. I also love working with restaurants building menus and creating new items and recipes for brands. , but each step has brought me closer to my true purpose: creating, teaching, and sharing my love for food with the world. And I’m just getting started!

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The road has definitely had its twists, turns, and a few potholes, but that’s what makes the journey so meaningful. Transitioning from a beauty queen and international flight attendant to a full-time chef wasn’t exactly smooth or easy. There were moments of self-doubt, times when I questioned if I had made the right choice, and days when the kitchen felt like the most intimidating place in the world. But those challenges were necessary—they shaped me into the resilient, creative chef I am today.

One of the biggest struggles was breaking into an industry where I wasn’t initially taken seriously. I was often underestimated, and it took a lot of perseverance to prove that I belonged in the culinary world. There were countless late nights, long hours, and moments when I had to push through exhaustion just to keep up. But I’ve learned that the most beautiful things often come from the toughest battles.

Another challenge was finding my unique voice in a sea of talented chefs. I had to really dig deep and figure out what made my approach to food different. It wasn’t until I embraced my love for global flavors and my Southern roots that everything started to click. I realized that my story, my travels, and my experiences were my greatest assets, and once I leaned into that, doors began to open.

Of course, there were personal struggles too—balancing work, relationships, and self-care. It’s easy to get lost in the hustle, but I’ve learned that taking care of myself is just as important as any dish I create. Every struggle has taught me something valuable, and looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. The road may have been bumpy, but it led me to exactly where I’m supposed to be, and for that, I’m incredibly grateful.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
My work is all about creating unforgettable culinary experiences that blend global flavors with a deep respect for Southern roots. As a chef, culinary professor, and consultant, I wear many hats, but at the core of it all is my love for food and my desire to inspire others.

I specialize in developing innovative menus and recipes that not only delight the palate but also tell a story. Whether it’s crafting a dish that pays homage to the places I’ve traveled or designing a menu that brings a client’s vision to life, I approach every project with creativity and a keen eye for detail. I’m often called the “Menu Architect” because of my ability to build cohesive, themed menus that elevate dining to an art form.

What I’m most proud of is my ability to connect with people through food. I’ve had the privilege of working as a private chef for high-profile clients, competing on national television, and teaching the next generation of chefs, but the moments that stand out most to me are when I see someone light up after tasting one of my dishes. Food is such a powerful way to bring people together, and being able to create those moments of joy is incredibly fulfilling.

What sets me apart is my unique blend of experiences. Coming from humble beginnings, I’ve traveled to over 30 countries, absorbing different cultures and culinary techniques along the way. My background as an international flight attendant and former beauty queen adds a layer of perspective that influences how I approach food—it’s not just about taste, but about creating a full sensory experience. I infuse my dishes with the stories, memories, and emotions I’ve gathered from my travels, making every bite a journey of its own.

Beyond the kitchen, I’m dedicated to teaching and mentoring. I want to empower future chefs to find their voice and push boundaries, just as I’ve done in my own career. My work is a reflection of who I am—creative, bold, and always evolving. I’m constantly exploring new ideas and techniques, but no matter what, I stay true to my roots and the love for food that started it all.

How do you define success?
For me, success isn’t just about accolades or financial gain—though those are nice, of course! It’s about living a life that feels fulfilling and authentic to who I am. Success is the ability to wake up every day excited about what I’m doing, knowing that I’m making a positive impact on the lives of others through my work.

I define success as the moments when I see my students or clients light up with inspiration, when a dish I’ve created brings people together, or when someone tells me that my journey has encouraged them to follow their own passions. It’s about growth—both personally and professionally—and continually pushing myself to learn, evolve, and embrace new challenges.

Success is also about balance. It’s having the freedom to explore my creativity, the courage to take risks, and the wisdom to know when to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. At the end of the day, if I can look back and feel proud of the work I’ve done, the connections I’ve made, and the joy I’ve shared, then I consider that a success.

Ultimately, success is about staying true to myself, following my passions, and using my talents to make the world a little brighter, one dish at a time.

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