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Rising Stars: Meet Ruben Alvarez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Ruben Alvarez.

Hi Ruben, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I started in California thinking, “If I can make it here, then I really can say I’ve made it”. It took a long time to realize that ego stops you from taking better opportunities.

California was a comfort to me, the same way my job was. It took me time to realize that. So when the owner of the company I was working for sold off the company, I decided to start my own.

I spent eight years learning sales and marketing. Why not start my own business?

That is where it all started, The Marketing Hunters. The move to Arizona and eventually Texas. I made it a point to learn branding and become a leader in that space.

The persona of the Brand Shark came from there. That is where we are at now. Being a top leader in the market for branding and market positioning.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The biggest challenge are making enough money to keep expanding. People talk about spending $1 to make $2 as a good investment.

I say that is a lie.

If you invest $1 you need at least $10 back.

So much goes into marketing, employees, networking events, visiting customers and much more. We really underestimate what it takes to make it.

However, I will say this, If you hire someone, anyone, and they are not helping to promote your business or make it expand with new business, then they are costing you money. You will grow a lot faster when every person on your team doubles up as a promoter of the business.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
The Branding.

Branding has become a buzzword lately. Everyone and anyone is willing to teach about it. But it is all surface level.

That is where we are different. Where the Brand Shark idea came from. And where we are effective with our clients.

We do not want to compete. That is what branding is. It is positioning oneself as so different that others cannot compete.

My book, Brand Sharks, goes over this extremely well. It explains the things you need to do, and how aggressive you need to be when it comes to building that brand.

It goes over how you need to get into the minds of people and have them think of you in the way you want them to think. Take control of your brand and you will see incredible results in the market.

What was your favorite childhood memory?
I really enjoyed walking home from school. It was hot and I lived a good distance from home.

But I think it taught me to be alone with my thoughts. It also showed me to enjoy the music I was listening to, regardless of what other people saw when I had my headphones in.

Looking back, that is why I am ok with being alone or why I can concentrate on audiobooks when I am doing things like driving or washing the dishes.

It is time where I can learn and double up on an activity and still be efficient.

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