Today we’d like to introduce you to Shannon Perry.
Shannon, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My mom made sure that I was in choir from the time I could walk! I was in choir from Elementary School-High School and began college on a vocal scholarship. While in college, I had my first paid “gig” when I was invited to sing the soprano part (I’m an alto) on a jingle for a modeling agency in New York. After that, I sang in Carnegie Hall, wrote and recorded charting songs for National radio, and sang the National Anthem for National League Baseball and National Football League games. I got my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Education and continued singing at various churches on the weekend as I taught school during the week. Eventually, I was invited to speak and I quickly let people know, “I am not a speaker, I am a singer.” When I gave in and began speaking at various events, I was approached about becoming a writer. Again, I reminded them, “I am not a writer. I am a speaker and singer.” Eventually, I began writing articles for major magazines like “Focus on the Family,” “Crosswalk” and others. Then I was approached about having a radio show.
I reminded them, “I am not a radio show host. I am a speaker, singer, and writer.” I now have a radio show and podcast called “Got Teens.” Then, I was asked to write a book. You know the answer. “I am not an author. I am a speaker, singer, writer, and radio show host.” I’ve now written five books and my last book, “Grace and Guts” charted Number One on Amazon in two categories. Next, I was approached about being a TV Host. I refused. I felt I needed the “perfect hair, makeup, and body” to be on TV. Again, I reminded them, “I’m not a TV Host. I am an author, speaker, singer, writer, and radio show host.” Eventually, I began my own TV show, “Grace in High Heels,” which aired in over 100 million homes each week. I jokingly tell people, “The next thing I’m going to say is, ‘I’m not a millionaire’ and see what happens.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
We all face challenges if we’ve lived long enough and my story is certainly no exception. In one year, my Mom and Dad were diagnosed with cancer and were patients at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am an only child so I was their caregiver. In that same year, I had my first surgery because doctors believed I had cancer in my eye. The day after my surgery, Hurricane Harvey hit and devastated our town. We lost things on our property but our home was spared. In that same year, I lost part of my finger in a very freak horse accident and my only child was deployed to the Middle East. My mom and my dad passed away from their battles with cancer. Facing those challenges made me feel like I was in a boxing ring getting hit over and over again.
I knew others that were feeling the same way so I wrote my book “Grace and Guts.” The cover of the book is me looking over a pair of pink boxing gloves. After asking over 5,000 women “In what areas of life do you struggle the most,” I took the top 12 topics and combined strategies from my counseling experiences and scripture to help readers learn how to throw the “knock-out punch” and win in this ring called life.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
The goal that drives my creative journey is to know I have fulfilled the purpose for which God created me. When I sit in the red rockers on my front porch one day, I never want to think, “I wonder what would have happened if I had been brave enough to try that?” I want to look back and know I left a legacy that far outlives me. For me personally, that is impacting the next generation. Through the “In Her Shoes” Mother/Teen Daughter tour, books, podcasts, TV, Radio, and Coaching Programs for Moms and Teens, I want to know that the lives of the women and girls I am allowed to influence are forever changed in a way that inspires them to make a difference in generations to come.
I have written three original conferences for women and one conference for Moms and Teen Girls. I am the featured speaker at church and school events throughout the country. Our most recent tour, “In Her Shoes,” has been deemed by parents as a “must-attend” event. Countless moms and teens alike say they’ve gained life-changing skills at “In Her Shoes” and many drive 6-7 hours to attend an event. They also say it’s a LOT of fun!
I have been honored to receive several awards along this journey. I received a “Reader’s Favorite” Award for my book, “Stand: Staying Balanced with Answers for Real Teen Life.” Many of the strategies taught at an “In Her Shoes” conference come from my books “Stand” and “The Overlooked Generation,” written to help guide anyone raising a teen. My book “Grace and Guts” was a Number One Best-Seller and I received quite an honor when I won an “Indie Fest” award for my TV Show “Grace in High Heels.” Many Hollywood films and actors receive this award, so it was one of those very special moments for me.
What do you think about luck?
Honestly, I don’t believe in luck. I do a lot of praying over my career and I believe God orders my steps. If it was left to me, or luck, or happenstance, I feel quite confident things would have turned out very differently. It’s nice to know that I have a solid place to land when I trust God with my life.
Even through the hard times, I know He will help me get where I’m destined to go. That is what keeps me going on the good and not-so-good days.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.shannonperry.com; www.inhershoestour.com
- Instagram: @shannonperryministries
- Facebook: shannonperryministries
- Youtube: Shannon Perry
- Spotify: “Got Teens” with Shannon Perry
Image Credits
Sarah Hall