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Rising Stars: Meet Tabatha C. Whitten

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tabatha C. Whitten.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I am a native Houstonian, proud to have grown up in the 5th Ward Community of the city. Born to teenage parents, I was blessed to have the support of my maternal grandmother and aunt. Family and community have always been important to me and following the example of my family I wanted to live a life of service and support…mainly my heart’s desire has always been to be an encouragement to people’s lives. I received my Bachelor of Science from Texas College; I am a Licensed Social Worker; my experience spans the spectrum from Children Protective Services to Outreach in the streets with the city’s homeless population. My commitment to Christ and passion for service lead to the establishing of Salt of The Earth Music Ministry ( a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization for service and support to the community ) Salt of The Earth was established in 1994, and to date, the organization provides Back to School Support Services (shoes, supplies, hair care), Christmas Support (toys, turkeys, clothing, cash, etc…) Meals to the Homeless and worship services in homeless shelters, prisons, rehab centers. I am an Ordained Pastor…currently I am Pastor/Founder of Remnant Fellowship Ministries, Int. Our mission is to gather the lost and the left to connect them to Christ…we are the people who Love. The Ministry has several initiatives…Senior Love Lunch, Touch Tuesdays, and weekly worship services to equip and encourage individuals in Kingdom Living. I am also grateful to be recognized as a Recording Artist, Author, Producer, Motivational Speaker…all of these platforms are simply avenues for me to impact the lives of people for their BEST Life Experience

I’m most proud to be known as a Community Servant!

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
My life and commitment to service is not always easy. My most difficult time was dealing with the shift in my life from what I imagined it would be. Leaving my secular place of employment with the idea of pursuing music ministry full-time BUT that was ultimately resulted in me becoming a Full Time Caregiver for my mother…then my father.

The struggle was learning to Trust God in times when it didn’t appear life was going like I thought God said!

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I am a Pastor/Social Worker….my specialty is crisis care/counseling. People often reference me as “The Fixer” or, what I love Most “Jesus Junior.”

I’m most proud of the service my life has been connected with. In all that I have done or will do, I will Always have a sense of pride for being able to honor both my parents by serving as their caregiver  when they were unable to care for themselves. Forever Grateful for that!

I’m not sure of the What sets me apart…But I believe my Life’s Signature is the consistency of me, regardless of the hat I’m wearing or the seat I might be sitting in.

What do you think about happiness?
I think happiness is the sense of plesure or enjoyment one experiences in life. I think happiness is misunderstood, and at times sought from all the wrong things in life. For Me, Making A Difference in a person’s life brings happiness to me. Nothing charges me like knowing I have acted on an opportunity to be impactful in someone’s life. I’ve learned what the bible says is true…he who refreshes others, is often refreshed himself. As we help others, we help ourselves…in a sense we find joy, happiness  etc…I consider this the “Best Thing Ever”

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: itsmetabathac
  • Facebook: itsmetabathac
  • Twitter: Tabatha C. Whitten

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