Today we’d like to introduce you to Xavier Moore.
Xavier, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I was born in Houston, Texas but was raised in East Texas. Centerville, Texas to be exact. Piney woods. Do you remember the television show Little House on the Prairie with Michael Landon? Yeah, well, that show really captures a lot of my upbringing.
We had a well for water.
A stove-top heater during the winter to stay warm with chopped firewood (no central A/C).
Luckily there was indoor plumbing as I barely missed out having the go outside to use the restroom in the outhouse.
Entertainment, you ask? One channel on the television. CBS, which the only time I could ever watch cartoons was Saturday: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If not, it was going outside and using my imagination while playing with my older sister. That is if she wasn’t forcibly trying to make me eat mudpies she made.
With a photographic memory, I was able to memorize everything. Movie dialogue. Speeches. Voice patterns and dialects. I cannot recall studying for a spelling test. But I do remember being made fun of by my classmates if I made less than a 100.
But my days were mainly taken up with my head in a book. An addiction to this day which has allowed me to become creative in my ways of expression whether that is with writing, voice acting, speaking or simply just being my natural self.
My natural self being that I love telling stories. Not make-believe. Stories of truth.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The ability to see the person in the mirror and decide whether or not you’re satisfied with what you see caused myself a lot of grief. Constantly, I would beat myself up because my reality didn’t reflect where I saw myself to be in life.
The “daily grind” of working for an entity and not myself was agitating. Having a safety net via a secure paycheck with benefits is enough to keep anyone in place to do something they truly don’t have the passion to do. Especially when assigned with the chore of surviving.
For twelve years, I did that, and I was done with it. I became tired of lying to myself for the false sense of security, comfort, and peace. Believing in something that had the free will to cast me away at any given time. Nah, I am better off believing in myself and face whatever consequences that come my way.
Overall, my one true obstacle has always been myself. I continuously got in my own way.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
After giving up a comfortable career in IT, I started to focus fully on my passion that I discovered during my twelve years as an IT expert: storytelling. Coupled with my love for anime and gaming, it became part of a recipe for what I now call Texas Kaizoku Creations.
I placed myself in an environment to be surrounded by what I love. My knowledge of anime and video games allows me to also use it as a foundational point to base allegorical components from my own personal life. Such as quitting my job and placing belief in myself to accomplish a goal I personally set can be paralleled with the story of Ash Ketchum from the series Poke’mon. At the age of ten, he left home with the dream of becoming a Poke’mon Master. In such a reality compared to ours, that wouldn’t be possible. However, Ash is supported by many along his journey as he becomes closer to achieving his goal while meeting many different people along the way the supplements his growth as a person.
The environments I place myself are anime conventions throughout the Texas area. I have been privileged with the opportunity to host trivia night in front of patrons at The Anime Bar to hosting a Nerdlesque (burlesque) show at Anime Matsuri in front of thousands. In addition, I was even the host of the first King of the Iron Sticks: Tekken 7 tournament at 8th Wonder Brewery’s eighth-year celebration!
In the past year, I also accomplished the goal of becoming a sponsor at Dream Con, which took place at the E-Sports arena in Arlington, Texas. Particularly, every badge that was handed out at the convention was “stamped” with the logo from my company. Planting a seed in all the attendees unbeknownst to them for things to come in the coming years.
Altogether, I’m proud of what I created. I have great pride in my company and its symbolism. Authenticity being one of its founding values is enough to be seen unique even if there was others who tried to copy me. I have a weekly podcast where I share my life openly to provide solace for those who feel they are alone in the challenges in their life. Being vulnerable enough to share my story is unique superpower. ^_^
Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
The pride that we as Houstonians have for our city. We express in many various ways. Music. Cars. Style of clothing. Slang. What’s not to like about H-Tine?!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.texaskaizoku.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/texaskaizoku/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TexasKaizoku
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@texaskaizoku
- Other: https://www.tiktok.com/@texaskaizoku
Image Credits
Jereme Brown