Too many of us grew up only seeing one kind of boss or leader in the media. The lack of representation for other groups reinforced harmful stereotypes and acted as a self-fulfilling prophesy, but would our opinion of what a leader looks like be different if the media did a better job at representing the true diversity of leadership in America?
Women and other under-represented groups are already leading many great companies, organizations, & academic institutions; others are authoring best-sellers, building engaged audiences, leading movements and more.
We had the honor of connecting with many of the best and brightest female leaders from in and around the city and we asked them our question of the month: What is the best advice you have for someone who feels like they are facing insurmountable odds.
We encourage you to check out the female leaders we’ve highlighted below, follow them on social media if you find their work or story interesting and most importantly do your part to #fightstereotypes.
JoNae Stylez | Professional Hairstylist and Makeup Artist
I would say keep PUSHing (Pray Until Something Happens) never lose faith and remember Isaiah 41:10
Roxany Terán | Modelo
At the age of 16, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to take on the challenge of being a mother. Today my daughter is twelve years old. We are stronger than what we think, not only physical but mentally and emotionally. Inside our souls lives an unbelievable amount of strength and potential that we don’t recognize or refuse to see. We should believe in ourselves and confront any obstacles that are in the way of what we want with faith and optimism, trusting the process. Seldom times we do fail, and it’s frustrating and we start to loose faith in what we thought was in our grasp. Remember that desire motives hope and hold on to your dreams, as corny and as cliché as it may sound. Don’t matter what the consequences are, keep grinding until you get where you want to be.
Leia Crowe | Certified Personal Trainer | Health Coach and Massage Therapist
My best advice for someone facing such a huge challenge, would be to break it down into small goals. If we focus too much on the big picture, it can become overwhelming, and we quickly feel discouraged and give up. But if we break it down into small tasks, and only focus on reaching the next small task, before you know it you’ve reached your goal! Imagine trying to climb a huge mountain…. rather than thinking about getting to the top, which seems impossible, think about just hiking 30 yards to that big tree over there… boom, done! Now, walk another 30 yards… and just keep breaking it down into small goals that feel doable. This trick works in all areas of life!
Anushika Babu | Brand designer and illustrator
I advice taking a step back and looking at why this feels insurmountable. Even Everest is scaleable given the right guidance and equipment. A slight shift in perspective might be all you need to get that ball rolling.
Also, I have always believed in the saying, “”Discipline eats talent for breakfast.””
I find very many designers who are incredibly talented can’t keep up a work ethic because of lack of focus and discipline. Sit at that table everyday and the mountains will move.
Carissa McDaniel | Realtor & Marketing Professional
Choose your dream over the drama.
Don’t get so wrapped up in the difficulties and fears of a challenge that you don’t take the necessary actions to overcome the challenge. Progress is progress, big or small. The key is to get started and keep the momentum. Stay positive and ask for help if you need to. Whatever you do, just keep going. Remember that in the end everything will be okay, if it’s not okay, it’s probably not the end.
Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver, MBA | The Power of Positive Action, LLC | Certified Professional and Executive Coach | Chief Entrepreneurial Officer
Be assured,you are not alone. Yes, you might feel overwhelmed, helpless and/or afraid; or you simply don’t know what to do. Dwell deep into your inner spirit and believe there is an answer! Then God, your guiding force, shows up strong when you are at your weakest. Allow Him to take the lead.
Like assembling puzzle pieces, search for steps that appear to be manageable and achievable and group them into categories requiring similar skills, talent and knowledge.
After assessing all “manageable” groupings, prioritize them in such a way you can visualize a path toward a possible outcome (consider your skills, time, energy). Which step is first? Second? What items can YOU do? What can you ask OTHERS to help you do?
Start now…take one positive step at a time. Each small accomplishment is a “big win!” Your confidence builds. Don’t stop! If the step did not work, no worries. Go back to the last step that worked and find an alternative path to move you forward.
What lessons did you learn? Here are a few questions to ask yourself.
1. How and why did this obstacle show up?
2. Did I miss some clues before it reached an insurmountable level?
3. When resolving the problem, what worked? And, what did not work?
4.. What did I learn about myself in the process?
5. Be grateful!
Victoria Jobe (Left) & Nelly Villanueva (Right) | Owner | Founder of MixNMasks
Even though you may feel a problem is insurmountable, it really isn’t. Step back from the challenge and take a look at it in a different way, and no matter what stay positive, focused and always be proud of what you’ve overcome.
Rianna Dixon | Student and Future Pharmacist
Take it a step at a time. Maybe a month at a time, a week at a time, a day at a time, or even a breath at a time. You’re in no rush, make time. 🙂
Yanee Clothing
Nothing lasts forever, so keep your head up and keep your mind on your goals. Create reasonable goals that you can achieve both short term and long term.
Tay Kennedy go by Taydolashes | Vintage boutique owner & Hair Stylist Specialize in healthy hair care in the Houston Katy Area
I always tell people, if you want it you can achieve it. It may not be today or tomorrow, but keep writing your goals down and steps on how to get there. Keep working at it little by little until you get there. There may be bumps in the road, but do not let them get in the way of your goal. Most importantly never give up.
Camerae’ Burton | Content Creator | Social Media Influencer
You’re only as strong as your greatest challenge. You will overcome this! One step at a time and continue to look forward. We all have struggles, but only the strong survive. I struggle with procrastination and it’s a daily battle but I celebrate small victories and cut myself some slack when I fail. You got this love!
Manuela Gómez-Rhodes | Mother & Creative Entrepreneur
Keep going and do your best to stay positive. When you are facing a struggle or a tough situation is best to look at it as a turning point in your life. Realize that it’s a transitional period and sticking it out will only make you better, stronger, more knowledgeable. Even if you feel like you have nothing left to give, dig a little deeper. You’ll then see how much better of a person you are for it afterwards.
Phoenix Fregia | Photographer & Owner of Photos by PHX
I would start by telling them to focus their energy on the desired outcome and prioritize what needs to be done.
Regardless of how clear your vision may be, challenges will always emerge along the way. It is far too easy to allow self-imposed, high expectations to distract you from reaching your ultimate goal. We live in a generation where pressure thrives; pressure from others that we think are doing better than us, pressure to prove that we are capable of accomplishing certain things and pressure to stand out. I believe that in order to combat these challenges, you must demand effort and resilience from yourself. When obstacles are thrown at you, choose to believe that they are there to make you stronger instead of hindering your journey. When people doubt you, choose to let that drive your passion instead of filling your mind with uncertainty or hesitation. Take time to celebrate the small victories. Think of where you were when you started and constantly remind yourself that each day you are growing closer to your goal.
When it’s all said and done, reaching a goal is far more rewarding when you look back at all the obstacles you overcame; the obstacles that were designed to make you give up. Ultimately, that is what will set you apart. So keep your mind focused and do whatever you have to do in order to make it happen. After all, you owe it to yourself to accomplish everything you’ve ever wished for and to become everything you’ve ever dreamed of being.
Lauren Maas | Health Coach & Archaeologist
My best advice for someone who is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable is to break it down into bite size chunks. Often, it’s a mental game. We make the challenge or the goal out to be so big that it overwhelms us. So, if we can just take a step back and separate it into smaller pieces that we can tackle, it’s less daunting. Big picture can be good, but sometimes facing just what’s right in front of you and being present in that moment is what makes us successful and gets us to that next step.
Brittney Golden | Co Founder | Vice President of G & G Wealth Enterprises (Real Estate ~ Mortgages ~ Insurance ~ Financial Planning) Owner | Operator of Ice Paradise
The best advice that I could tell someone that is facing a challenge they feel is insurmountable is to immediately block that limiting belief and face it with 100% confidence/0% doubt, drop down to the floor and pray to God to help bring peace and guide you through your journey and make a point to hang around influential people who are constantly supporting and bringing positive energy and love into your life!
Vianney de Aquino | designer of Viannk Mansur
Insurmountable challenges are 2 words that separate them in that the challenges. They are good in life to grow in your goals and objectives, and the insurmountable is a new rebirth that only God and time give you the strength for a new life, just live and love without grudges surpassing every day of what comes in the lifetime.
Almendra callirgos | Executive Pastry chef of Churrascos restaurants | Le cordon blue Peru train in French pastries
Take a deep breath, try to look at the challenge in small pieces and see what you can control and what you can’t. Start from there and you’ll see how much easier it gets.
Carrington Barfield | Blogger & Marketing Coordinator
I think everyone, at some point throughout their journey, faces the feeling of fear as they work their way to their dream. I know I’ve felt that feeling many times throughout my life thus far, and I’ve barely scratched the surface of my career. Every time, when the fear and doubt starts to creep in and I find myself feeling like I can’t possibly overcome the obstacle with which I’m faced, I stop and think to myself all that I’ve done to get here. I thought about the things in my past I never thought I would get through, but did and have come out a stronger and more determined person because of it. I live my life by the quote “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.” As far as I’m concerned, everything was once thought to be insurmountable, until it was proven otherwise. The greatest obstacle is overcoming yourself. Do that, and I truly believe you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
Jasmine Sigers | Business Owner and Senior HR Manager
NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER BOW OUT! NEVER BACK DOWN! We are all faced with different challenges at different points in our life, and at each of those points we should try to do what others may deem as impossible! Be your own secret weapon in the end!
The only person blocking you from your rise to the top is YOU!
Lauren Cox | Fitness and Fashion Influencer and Mom
I know we have all been there! If you are faced with an insurmountable challenge, my advice is to take a moment! Do not make an immediate decision without taking time to think everything through or to understand different perspectives. It’s easy to make a quick and rash decision if you feel stressed, anxious or nervous. I also like to talk through issues or situations with others. It helps you gain alternative points of views that you may not have thought of on your own. Connecting with others is something I always love to do and doing this can give you better insight into solving a problem. And lastly, one of my favorite things to do is clear my mind with a workout! So if you are feeling overwhelmed, get a good sweat in and you can start tackling any hurdles one by one with a clear mindset!
Pinterest: FitFashionFile
Ogechi Nwogu | Painless Master Braider | Protective Style Specialist & People Lover
I’ve been there. Looking back now, that season of my life truly felt insurmountable but I made it through and so will you. When life hits you with difficult challenges, this is an opportunity to reset your relationship with self and dive deeper into your personal relationship with God. I couldn’t have gotten through it without trusted wise counsel and an amazing support system.
My Advice from personal experience:
Turn down the noise (limit social media input). Slow down. Breathe. Pray. Pray A LOT.
Develop a Sacred Self Care practice. For me this involved a deep prayer and meditation practice at the start of my day every day (and many times at night too). This was the game changer for me. First thing in the morning, before any noise from the outside world (phone, texts, emails, social media etc), get to a quiet space. Use this time to center yourself for the day, pray, express gratitude, journal, read, practice deep breathing, practice being silent, practice hearing your inner voice, practice hearing God’s voice, listen to healing & soaking worship music. During prayer, ask questions, be transparent, pour your heart out but then practice being still and silent long enough to hear the answers. Pray for wisdom. Pray for discernment. Seek to learn the lesson from this challenging season so you don’t repeat it.
One of the best gifts you can give yourself during this time is to do the forgiveness inner work and take the time to heal. Don’t be afraid to seek support through counseling or therapy services. Forgive and release yourself. Forgive and release others who have hurt you. Don’t get stuck in the hurt. Let it go. This is not easy; however, the inner peace and radiance that comes from this work is priceless.
I believe that we all have an internal GPS that is activated and strengthened when we spend time in prayer and stillness. Use this season to cultivate your internal GPS. It will guide you moment to moment and one day you’ll look up and you’ve made it through what you thought you couldn’t. Only now, you’re stronger, healed and better than ever.
Lauren Price | Multi-Million Dollar Producing Realtor | Lake Houston Community Blogger
Our mindset plays a huge role in how we interact with our surroundings and circumstances. When facing a challenge that feels insurmountable I start with gratitude. Whatever the circumstances you are facing there is always something to be grateful for!
Take a moment each day and write down the things you are grateful for in a journal or even the notes section on your phone. Are you thankful for your health today? Pleasant weather? Opportunity to have lunch with a friend? Write it down! Make it a game to notice something new to be thankful for each day, and you will soon see how gratitude positively affects your circumstances! When you are comfortable, start expressing that gratitude to the world. You can write letters filled with gratitude to the people who have impacted your life, or you can turn to social media to express your gratitude. Opportunity, friendship, love, and happiness can be attracted by the energy we put out. You are amazing, and you deserve to reach your goals! Never give up, my friends!
Harleen Kaur | Hair & Makeup Artist
My way of dealing with a challenge that I feel is insurmountable is to firstly take a step back from it, re-evaluate it and approach it again in a calm and clear frame of mind; then break it down into more manageable sections that don’t feel as challenging; one step at a time. I’m a big believer in God too, so I pray a lot! I find that always helps me with challenges that come my way. That and speaking to the people closest to me; my nest friend, my parents; sometimes getting another perspective is all it needs. Noting is insurmountable if you deal with it calmly and do the best you can do. No one can ask more from you than that!
Natalia Hubbert | Artist | Illustrator | Cat Lady
Most of insurmountable challenges, barriers, fears and failures are nothing more but a product of our own mind, a negative projection of the future that never happened. The key is our MINDSET.
The wrong one pulls us back. The right one helps us to get through anything.
If you start seeing a challenge as an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, to grow and to learn more, then a challenge becomes your friend.
Maybe not the best one, but good enough to handle it! 😀
Change your mindset, change your approach, take a break and keep on going.
Rickesha Stephens | Human Resources | Mom-prenuer
The first thing is remembering your why and second, believing in yourself. Things happen for a reason and you have to remain focused. Knowing that you are unstoppable and have what it takes to succeed will set things into overdrive! Be unapologetically you, trust in God and the rest will fall into place. You are your best cheerleader and motivator!
Laurie Pickei | Houston Blogger | Content Creator & Mom
Throughout my life, I’ve learned that the challenges that seem insurmountable are the ones that make us and shape us into better versions of ourselves. Nothing is truly too big or daunting to tackle, as God gives us what we can handle. Be your own advocate and best ally. Listen to your heart and your head. And most importantly, be your biggest fan. You’ve got this!
Marquis Clarke | Houston Blogger
This February, I faced the insurmountable, at 28 – perfectly healthy, I endured 3 strokes and am currently recovering. Throughout this entire process, I have learned when you face hard things in life you have to get up and keep moving forward with positivity and thankfulness.
Cassie Majestic, MD | Emergency Medicine Physician and Health and Wellness Influencer
Challenges and change are uncomfortable. Become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Put your head down, be consistent, show up physically, mentally, and emotionally, for yourself first. It all starts with a mindset. You can manifest your own success, you just have to believe in yourself and brush away the negative thoughts that might creep in.
Gaby Ortega | Mom of two precious babies Maya Valentina & Fernando
When I came to this country, the biggest challenge I faced as an immigrant was to find a place in my professional life. When you come to a new country, you have to re invent yourself. You not only are starting a new life, but also a new career, friendships, professional relationships. From that moment until now, I believe that it requires courage to Accomplish anything in life (professional, family, personal). Courage not always guarantees success, but you’re out there trying and showing up, that’s what puts you closer to your goals (as one of Brené Brown’s talks that I love about courage). If I was given the opportunity to start all over in this country, there must be a big chance the universe/God believed in my capacity of being courageous.
Amy Zee Haight | Interior Designer | wife and mom to two beautiful kids and fur baby
Take comfort in knowing you can only control the things you can control, and everything else you cannot control drink lots of rose.