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Check Out Jasmin And Saylor Love’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jasmin And Saylor Love

Hi Jasmin and saylor, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
We officially started in December of 2020. We initially started as a way for my oldest daughter and I to spend some one on one time after having a baby January of 2020. We started a facebook and instagram called “Jazz and Saylor’s Sweet Treats” so we could share all the fun things that we were baking, decorating and learning to make.

I have always loved baking and wanted to learn more about cake decorating and it was such a fun way to spend some time with my daughter.

I (Jasmin) am a self taught home baker, and never really expected this to come out of it. We thought if we got a few orders here and there it would be the icing on the cake. My Tia Gina played a huge role in me stepping out of my comfort zone and accepting orders. She was a phenomenal cake artist and I was always in awe of her talent. She made so many cakes for my family. She made my wedding cake, baby shower cake and made Saylor’s 1st and 3rd birthday cakes. When we moved to Katy she wasn’t able to make the trip to make her cake, so she encouraged me to make her cake after I told her I was thinking about it. I was SO nervous because the cakes I had made prior weren’t the greatest, but she talked me through it and was so sweet in answering all my questions. She continued to encourage me and answered all my questions and I loved sending her pictures of the cakes we were making and skills we were learning. She unfortunately passed away from covid in 2021 and the world is much less sweeter without her.

We became an LLC in February of 2023, after a couple of years of consistent orders and changed our name to Caked With Love, as a play on our last name “Love”. I also have another daughter and we didn’t want to leave her out if she wants to bake with us since she’s getting older too!

Now that we are taking more and more orders and cakes that are out of Saylor’s skill level, I take on most of the orders unless someone specifically asks for Saylor to do most of the work. She helps as best as she can with the cakes she wants too and has the time too but she continues to learn with a lot of the cakes that I do. She loves to learn how to make fondant figures and loves to be our quality control and taste tester! She also loves to make birthday cakes for me and my brothers so I don’t have to make my own cake!

It’s been a fun few years and I am so incredibly honored to be a part of so many peoples celebrations. It is something I will never take for granted.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I think all businesses starting out hit bumps in the road. It has definitely been a learning process as I am not very business minded. I just want to make awesome cakes so thankfully my husband is the business mind behind the scenes and I am so thankful for him walking us through becoming an llc and owning our business. I would say that has been my biggest struggle so far.

I am not formally trained and learned what I could online and by trial and error, so at the beginning that was a challenge and intimidating because people are trusting you with their special occasions. However, I have been so blessed with the most amazing customers who trust me and love to challenge me!

Saylor says her biggest struggle is with her ADHD and getting distracted when she is trying to learn fondant and decorating techniques.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
We are a home bakery and we do custom cakes, cake pops, cupcakes, and treat boxes. We also love to do drop cookies, meringues, and other desserts for dessert tables. We are more known for our cakes though. Saylor is very good at making ice cream, and does an ice cream sale for our neighborhood at least once a summer.

We used to specialize in buttercream only cakes, because fondant was intimidating. However, Saylor and I both wanted to learn how to make fondant figures. Once we opened ourselves up to learning how to work with fondant, it also opened up doors for more creative cakes that we were a little more limited too without it.

Saylor thinks being mom and daughter using teamwork sets us apart from others in our area.

Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
Our advice would be to not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and learn something new if it’s something you’re interested in. You never know what you can be good at, if you don’t at least try. There are so many resources online these days that are so helpful when it comes to learning something new. We have utilized both free and paid for resources to get us to where we are in our business, and I wish I would have started sooner!

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