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Community Highlights: Meet Kalista Kresta of KaliKo Music

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kalista Kresta

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I began teaching and performing music at a young age. As a musician, I loved what music taught me and the freedom it gave me. It allowed me to communicate things I struggled to say with words. As an educator, I loved that I could provide my students a safe space to be themselves and use music as a tool to help them grow.

My motto for KaliKo Music is “Teaching People Through Music”, teaching musicians is meeting them where they are and helping them to grow every part of themself. This includes playing an instrument and other skills such as time management, leadership, organization, public presence, commitment, and so much more. Along with these things, music is so personal to a person’s soul. It requires people to face emotional parts of themselves they might not otherwise face. It becomes an outlet for deep emotions and when done correctly, deep healing.

I could go on forever about how much a great teacher paired with a great subject (music) can change a person but this is truly the beauty of being a musician and educator.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Absolutely not, everything worth doing is hard work!

The biggest struggles to get to where I am now are likely not unique to my business. I have faced many people who did not believe in me based on things beyond my control. Through a large move during COVID, family illness and strife, and keeping up multiple parts of my career it has not only been a lot of work but a lot of pressure. I will always hold true to my values and there have been times when people have come up against them. I know I am not only doing it for myself but setting an example for the children I teach. The next generation, I hope will learn that even when things are hard and you want to back down you always have a choice to do what is right.

To give more details, due to my age and my eclectic experience I have been told many times I am not able to do what I do or am worthy to do so. It happened first in high school when I first spoke of my dreams to pursue music, then again in college when I expressed a desire to do more than simply teach in the school and has continued into my adulthood even with a thriving and growing business. My business thrives on the people that believe in the motto of KaliKo Music and believe in me. I am truly blessed!

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
KaliKo Music is a private lesson studio based in the North Houston area. We cater to Spring, Tomball, Klein, and the Woodlands. We specialize in orchestral strings and piano. We are known for our ability to meet each student where they are at and help them achieve any musical goal We are different than other studios because of our home and family feel which provides a safe and comfortable environment for learning.
We have a desire to expand into making orchestral/chamber music accessible for everyone whether they are in public school, private school, homeschool, or just want to learn for fun and we have amazing options for that on a small scale now. I am most proud of our students. They make up our brand, they are the reason behind our motto, “Teaching People Through Music”, and on our website, each picture is from our teachers or students. I say “we” because I would not have KaliKo Music without musicians and their desire to learn. Our team and students always blow me away and are the reason that before all else we are proud to teach people.

We build a curriculum around what you want to learn and the musician you want to be. Whether that be learning pop music, wanting to play in your church band, trying out the fiddle, preparing for an audition, working on music for orchestra class; lessons are designed for us to help you

Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
Since I first started as a professional musician and educator I have seen a large growth in people wanting to learn stringed instruments. I believe a lot of this stemmed from media with shows and movies like “Abominable” and “Wednesday”. There will always be a need for private lesson teachers and with the way families are shifting the need for community orchestras at the lower levels will only grow. It will be my pleasure to aid these families the best I can and I look forward to seeing musicians grow into their best self.

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