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Conversations with Kennedi Leigh

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kennedi Leigh

Hi Kennedi, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
My name is Kennedi Leigh, widely known as KEN KA$H or simply KA$H, and I’m 26. I’m a creative marketing professional, director/producer, musical artist, and content creator. Since I can remember, my passions and interests have been rooted in the arts, entertainment, media, design, technology, organizing & planning just about everything in immense detail. Having acquired a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing from Prairie View A&M University in 2021, I’ve now streamlined my passions and actively seek out opportunities to monetize them. The ultimate goal is to take everything I do and create an empire-like entertainment corporation with multiple facets – marketing/communications, sports, music, fashion, beauty, social media/influencer management, drama/film/TV, event production and more.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I’ve been extremely blessed. However, there are still many struggles that come with running this type of a one-woman show. The biggest one I’ve faced, though, is this: When you have lots of talents and commit to pursuing them all, you’ll have a lot of people in your ear trying to convince you that it’s too much for you and telling you that you can’t be in multiple lanes. After many internal battles and long, discouraged nights, I’ve found that’s simply not true. I learned to drown out the external noise as I realized more that it’s not about the quantity of your endeavors, it’s about how you use your resources, delegate tasks, stay organized, and manage your time.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
As I mentioned, I’ve been known to wear many hats. Some of the things I specialize in are:

CREATIVE MARKETING – Digital Design, Photo/Video Editing, Branding Services, Media Curation (Soundtracking, Playlisting & other types of Music Supervision), Copywriting/Content Writing

DIRECTION/PRODUCTION – Creative Direction, Art Direction, Event Production, Project Management (for just about anything)

CONTENT CREATION – Aspiring Influencer (IG, TikTok) & YouTuber, niching in Music & Lifestyle content

MUSIC – Recording Artist (I sing and rap), Songwriter, aspiring Music Producer

What I’m most proud of is how far I’ve come in literally all of these aspects. They say “jack of all trades, master of none”, but everything I do, I do well. They said I couldn’t do it all, but I’m doing it. What sets me apart from others? Honestly, the Lord’s favor on my life. I’m really God’s girl, He never played about me. Oh and by the way, the name of my business is EXCELSIOR STUDIOS.

Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
Don’t compare yourself to others or covet what others have/do. Everybody is on their own path. They’ll get what’s for them and you’ll get what’s for you. Don’t be discouraged by what may look like overnight success or a perfect journey because people only share their wins. You don’t know what hell they had to go through to get where they are, how much time and money was spent, nor how long it really took them. Also, it’s great to treat yourself sometimes… but for the most part, do everything you can to save your time and money until it’s time to invest them into what really matters. Future you will thank you.

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Image Credits
Ifeoma Charlley, Ifeoma Studios
Photos by Oso

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