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Daily Inspiration: Meet Selena Parsley

Today we’d like to introduce you to Selena Parsley

Selena, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started out as a Licensed Massage Therapist many moons ago with several continuing education classes. I had a vision of creating a relaxing and charming atmosphere where I could offer herbal teas, oils and enchantments that help people feel better. I also wanted to create a place that inspires creativity, magick and belief in your own power. What I create enhances what people already possess internally. It’s important for me to get the message out that they are their own muse. They are their own magician. In a world of self proclaimed spiritual gurus, people need to honor their own Higherself and look within not at “influencers.” I am here to help facilitate and remind people of their own power. When we first moved to Houston in 2013 I told everyone I knew that I wanted to create a magical wellness center & apothecary. A place where I could share my own art & creativity and spotlight other local artists & visionaries. It took awhile to find the perfect place to set up shop. I did not want a storefront that was on commercial property with flashing neon signs. I wanted to create a home sweet cottage vibe. I wanted an apothecary that felt like home to me and others.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Having the mentality that slow and steady is my pace. After purchasing our property it took a few years to finally have it decorated and adorned how I wanted. I didn’t want to rush the art and creative process of putting my essence in this place. My mind is forever creating and I finally had to just open the doors. It’s still a work in progress. Such is life.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am the owner of Houston’s beloved art house cottage boutique. I host art shows, spa thyme Sundays, and other special events. Everything I create is from my own original ideas and concepts. I work with other artisans who have their own unique style and who look inward for inspiration. I appreciate originality.

We have been closed for Summer break to maintenance our cottage, but we will be reopening October 18th at 7pm. We will be featuring a local jewelry artist.

What sort of changes are you expecting over the next 5-10 years?
What sets me apart in this industry is my hours are mostly open in the evening for people getting off of work so they can relax and unwind. I created an enchanted night thyme garden theme. I hear so often that people feel like they have been transported to a different reality / dimension as soon as they step in our cottage. When people are going through really tough times it’s nice to provide a sense of escapism along with herbal remedies that could help facilitate their recovery and healing. I also offer shop by appointment only on Wednesdays for people who have social anxiety.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @rosewood.enchantikal.cottage.
  • Facebook: Rosewood Enchantikal Cottage
  • Youtube: Selena Parsley

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