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Exploring Life & Business with Blanka Molnar of Awarenest

Today we’d like to introduce you to Blanka Molnar

Hi Blanka, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I created Awarenest to work with parents who want to become more self-aware and do not want to pass their agenda and “baggage” onto their children.
My “Why”:
I had an eye-opening experience when I was an au pair in 2011 and took care of two lovely kids in California. One morning after we had multiple meltdowns (not just the kids, me too), my impatience was rising, and I wanted to shout, “Enough.” But I held it together because I did not want to add to the guilt of failing as a caretaker.
In the chaos, I managed to pause and realized that what I felt belonged to my mother and not to me. I cannot explain it better, but those feelings and emotions were not mine and not me. They were rooting back to my childhood and I caught myself behaving like my mother did when I was a child.
That realization scared me a lot, and at that moment, I decided I wanted to change. I wanted to do differently. So, I embarked on a self-discovery journey to become more conscious and self-aware and to become a better au pair and later parent.
Years later, as a mother, I created Awarenest. Awarenest offers Family Constellation (or Systemic Constellation) to work on the past, and Conscious Parenting Coaching to work on the present and future.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Change is never a smooth road, especially if we are talking about changing ourselves and our behavior. It takes conscious effort to rewire our brains and do something differently than we have been doing for 10-20-30 years.
In my business, I offer something I believe in. During the last 10+ years, I have tried so many different methods to heal, rewire, and change. All processes and techniques helped me come closer to myself, but I got most of my breakthroughs and “AHA-moments” from working with Family Constellation. So, I learned this method, and now I am offering Systemic Constellations to others so they can heal and untangle their own lives.
This method is very effective (even one session can bring relief) and profoundly transformative. It’s like MAGIC.
I love it, and I would love others to know about it.
Is it easy? It depends. You always have a choice. You can face your fears and decide to change, or keep doing what you have been doing the same way, but you will feel the same day by day. Change comes outside of your comfort zone and it starts within.
Do you want to stay stuck in a spiral, or you roll up your sleeves and dive in?

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Awarenest?
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”
/Carl Jung/

My mission is to contribute to raising a mentally, physically, and emotionally healthier generation. It all starts with us, the parents.

I created Awarenest for parents and adults who are not afraid to say, “I would like to do it differently. I want to parent differently.” This is about inspiration, about the power of conscious and intentional parenting to shape a better future and to raise a mentally and emotionally healthier generation.

Awarenest offers Family Constellation (or Systemic Constellation) to heal multigenerational traumas that are affecting someone’s life today. We work with families going seven generations back. Yes! It’s not mistyped. Seven generations, and we are able to shed light on family dynamics and traumas that are causing physical/emotional/mental and financial turmoil in someone’s life, offering a path to relief and hope of a different tomorrow.

Then, with Conscious Parenting Coaching, we work on the present, on “what it is now,” and we create a plan towards an ideal future. We break down the in-between into milestones, inspiring progress and motivation.

We work according to your agenda, and you can step forward as slowly or as fast as you want. Awarenest was created for you so you can parent differently and you can build a stronger and healthier bond with your child or children.

What makes you happy?
What makes me happy when I see the relief of a client who had been carrying a heavy burden for 20+ years and after one session already feels relieved and lighter. That’s the beauty of giving back the responsibility and weight of something that did not even belong to the person in the first place. Because that’s what we do. Our loyalty and love towards our family make us behave, act, and carry burdens on behalf of somebody else in the family who might have passed away long ago.
That’s my why! And that’s why I love to do what I do.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Gergely Kaszas

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