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Hidden Gems: Meet Maria Dorman of The One Percent Agency

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maria Dorman

Hi Maria, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My breaking point were two: My internship in Miami in 2010 in digital marketing and when I became the youngest Director of Toursim in San Miguel de Allende 2012.
Since then life has taken me into many PR and marketing agencies in the US and it was until 2017 when I created my own PR agency: The One Percent Agency , with fun clients such as The Houston Methodist Hospital, United Airlines, River Oaks District, Visit The Woodlands and many cities in Mexico.
My love for fashion and recommending stuff also encouraged me to open my social media : marijosege where I share in the most organic way everything I love.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
OMG! nothing about having your own business is smooth, we went from 6 big clients to 0 in COVID. I had 2 kids and during labor I had some work calls that were urgent. Almost every other day I want to find a 9-5 job where I get my own salary, but then again I always remember why I started.
Opening my social media has made me the most vulnerable, it keeps giving you cringe everything you post and sometimes I can´t watch my reels twice.

As you know, we’re big fans of The One Percent Agency / @marijosege. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
We are known for crazy ideas, going out of the box and being so so organic in orther to promote your brand without feeling you are selling them.

– United airlines: we did mural all over Mexico representing how United connects the world, in an artistic way.

– Houston Methodist Hospital: we´ve done from golf tournaments to amazing breakfast all over Mexico.

What matters most to you?
Having fun in everything I do, being a mom gets exhausting but it can also be fun.
My job gets stressful, my personal project most of the times gets discouraging, but at the end of the day we have to have fun.
We have to enjoy and have the best attitutde towards everything, because I have found out that is in joy where big opportunities come.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @marijosege @theonepercentagency

Image Credits
Ni Studio- Carolina Echavarri

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