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Life & Work with Sharon Medina of Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sharon Medina

Hi Sharon, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Although our paths through life and the education industry have been different, our collective experiences led us to the same realization—somewhere along the way, the education system lost its heart. As dedicated as many teachers are, they often don’t have the resources or time to give each student the individual attention and emotional support they need to truly thrive. While some schools have introduced Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) initiatives, the lack of proper training and poor implementation leaves so much potential untapped. REACH Through Education’s mission is to fill that gap with holistic care.

Sharon’s journey began in the classroom in 2015, where she soon noticed that something was missing. Systemic barriers, a lack of training, and limited resources meant that students weren’t getting the support they needed. It was clear to her that what so many students needed, more than just memorizing facts, was someone to listen to them, validate their experiences, and guide them towards discovering their true reasons for learning. After years of frustration, she decided to leave the classroom in 2019 and start her own SEL-focused tutoring service, Teaching Through Education. TTE’s mission was to encourage growth in students from the inside out teaching things such as: task initiation, evaluating priorities, intentional goal setting, perseverance over results-based learning, conscious planning and encouraging flexible thinking, rather than drilling facts alone, the results were remarkable—students began to flourish not just academically, but in their overall well-being, and she knew she was onto something big.

Lauren’s path to education was more gradual. Starting as a part-time tutor in 2012, she quickly built strong connections with her students, but found many of them feeling disengaged and disempowered by their educational experiences. She felt for them, and continued to tutor as she pursued other primary career paths. In 2015, she found a love of movement, breathwork, and health through yoga, becoming RYT certified in 2020. Of course, the 2020 pandemic compromised the mental and physical health of people around the world, including many students, who not only struggled academically but also saw their mental wellbeing decline. In 2021, fed up with the pain she was seeing, Lauren decided to leave her role in the tech industry to start her own tutoring business and teach yoga regularly, hoping to help people of all ages find their footing again.

Through a chance meeting in an online group, Sharon and Lauren connected in 2024, discovering they shared a strikingly similar vision for the future of education. Their fast friendship quickly grew into a partnership, and they rebranded the company to REACH Through Education representing the values they want to instill in their students: Resilience, Empathy, Adaptability, Character, and Healthy (in all its forms) . By combining their knowledge and experience, they aim to bring heart and health back into education.

Together, we’re helping young people find their confidence, their voice, and their spirit, enabling them to thrive both in school and in life. We believe that by encouraging children to explore their emotional landscape, they can better navigate their internal experiences, leading them to reconnect with their true passions purpose, and joy for learning.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
It certainly hasn’t been a smooth road, but the challenges we’ve faced have only strengthened our resolve and clarified our mission. One of the biggest struggles has been the transition from being educators to becoming business owners. Our passion for supporting students’ emotional and academic growth is what drives us, but starting from scratch meant stepping out of our comfort zones and learning new skills in areas like marketing, business management, and hiring. This shift often took us away from what we excel at—working directly with students.

Another significant challenge was realizing the deep impact that external factors, such as a student’s home life, can have on their behavior and learning. For instance, we had a student who went from being highly engaged and eager to learn to exhibiting extreme behavioral issues and isolation. We later discovered that her mother had been diagnosed with cancer, which added a tremendous amount of stress and emotional distress to her life. This experience highlighted the limitations of traditional education approaches, which often overlook these critical aspects of a student’s life. It reinforced our belief that education needs to go beyond the classroom and address the whole child—emotionally, mentally, and academically.

These challenges have taught us the importance of connection, understanding, and adaptability, not just in our approach to education but in how we run our business. Though the road has been bumpy, each obstacle has led to growth and a deeper commitment to our mission.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
At REACH Through Education, we specialize in providing holistic, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)-focused programs that support the overall well-being and personal growth of preteens and teens, aged 12 to 17. Our work centers around three core programs—MindfulEdge Mastery, MindfulEdge Growth, and Thrive Mentorship—each designed to address different aspects of a young person’s development. Whether it’s boosting self-confidence and motivation, offering specialized support for neurodivergent students, or providing mentorship to help teens navigate the challenges of adolescence, our goal is to help every child thrive both academically and personally.

We’re particularly proud of the profound impact our programs have had on our students. One of our most significant achievements is seeing students who were once struggling with focus, motivation, or emotional regulation begin to flourish not just in their studies, but in their overall well-being. Our approach has enabled students to develop resilience, empathy, and a stronger sense of self, which in turn has empowered them to tackle challenges both inside and outside the classroom.

What sets us apart from others is our deep commitment to integrating emotional and academic support. Unlike traditional tutoring services that focus solely on academics, we recognize that a student’s emotional health is just as important to their success. We offer a safe, nurturing environment where students can explore their emotions, develop interpersonal skills, and build the resilience they need to succeed in life. Our programs are tailored to the unique needs of each student, ensuring that they receive the personalized attention and support necessary for meaningful growth.

Additionally, our Connected Tribe Conscious Parenting Coaching program distinguishes us by extending our support to parents. We help parents build stronger connections with their children and equip them with tools to foster a nurturing and emotionally supportive home environment. This holistic approach—supporting both students and their families—is at the heart of what we do and is a key factor in what makes REACH Through Education unique.

We are most proud of the lasting changes we see in our students and families. Knowing that we’ve helped young people find their confidence, voice, and spirit, and seeing them carry those strengths into their future, is incredibly rewarding and fuels our passion for this work.

Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
The success of REACH Through Education is a testament to the collective efforts of many incredible people who have supported us along the way. Our journey has been shaped not just by our own dedication, but by the contributions of mentors, supporters, cheerleaders, advocates, clients, and, most importantly, our amazing team.

Our clients—both students and their parents—deserve enormous credit. Their trust in our vision, especially during our early days, was instrumental in our growth. The progress we’ve seen in our students has been deeply motivating, and the feedback and referrals from parents have helped us reach more families and expand our impact. Their belief in our programs has been a driving force behind everything we do.

Our mentors, both within and outside of REACH Through Education, have also played a pivotal role. Early on, we received guidance from experienced educators and entrepreneurs who helped us navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business. Their advice on everything from structuring our business to marketing our services has been invaluable, allowing us to avoid common pitfalls and stay true to our mission.

Our team of dedicated mentors is truly the heart of REACH Through Education. They bring diverse backgrounds—from formal teaching to fields like business, technology, and the arts—that enrich our programs and allow us to connect with students on multiple levels. Their commitment to empowering youth and fostering real growth in every student they guide has been crucial to our success. Their ability to bring real-world perspectives into our educational approach sets us apart and ensures that our students receive comprehensive, holistic support.

We are also grateful for the support of our families and friends, who have been our biggest cheerleaders. Their encouragement during challenging times and their unwavering belief in our mission have been vital to our perseverance. They’ve celebrated our successes with us and provided the emotional support needed to keep moving forward.

Lastly, the partnership between myself and Lauren has been a cornerstone of our success. Our complementary strengths and shared vision have allowed us to build something truly special. We push each other to be better and support each other through every challenge, making REACH Through Education what it is today.

In short, the success of REACH Through Education is the result of a collaborative effort. From our clients and mentors to our dedicated team and personal support systems, each person has played a significant role in helping us bring heart and health back into education. We are deeply grateful for their contributions and look forward to continuing this journey with their ongoing support.


  • MindfulEdge Mastery Program starts at $65/session
  • MindfulEdge Thrive Program starts at $75/session
  • MindfulEdge Growth Program starts at $85/session
  • Parent Coaching Program pricing depending on clients specific needs
  • Language courses for both children and adults at $55/session

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