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Meet Amirah Means of Fresno, Tx

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amirah Means

Hi Amirah, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My journey to discovering my passion for carpentry began in high school when I was on the robotics team, working as the mechanical engineer responsible for building the robot, which I loved. I graduated high school at 15 and felt pressured to quickly decide my next steps, so I chose to major in mechanical engineering at Prairie View, thinking it was the right path since I enjoyed it in high school. But despite applying myself, I felt unfulfilled and eventually became depressed. Every time I visited home, I’d tell my mom how unhappy I was and how much I longed to find my true purpose.

In 2020, when the pandemic hit, I stayed home like everyone else, and during that time, I did some serious soul-searching. I prayed, cried, and asked God to show me my purpose. I eventually remembered how, as a kid, I used to take apart my toys and steal my dad’s tools to put them back together. That’s when I had a clear vision of playhouses, so I started researching careers related to building toys and playhouses. When I came across the term ‘Carpenter,’ I felt inspired and fascinated. I immediately looked into schools and found an ‘Introduction to Carpentry’ course at Lone Star College, which I applied for right away. On the first day of class, walking into the workshop made my soul light up. I was so happy and eager to learn, earned my certifications, and I’ve never looked back!

After receiving my certifications from the Carpentry Program at Lone Star College, I immediately started thinking about my next steps. My plan was to find someone with a similar passion and business, and just shadow and work for them. I did, but neither opportunity lasted very long. At first, I felt bummed out and saw it as things not working out for me. But then I shifted my perspective and realized my calling was bigger than I initially thought. I was reminded of the vision God gave me and saw those experiences as learning opportunities and building blocks toward something greater. It was scary because I had to release the fear and doubts about not being equipped enough or even knowing how to start a business, but I knew I had to step out on faith and start A+ Wood Dezigns

I chose to specialize in playhouses because, ever since I was a child, I’ve been obsessed with toys and pretend play. I always dreamed of having a space where I could bring my imagination to life. I genuinely thought I’d never stop playing with toys—even when I left for college, I told my mom not to throw away or give away my toys, and she gave me the craziest look! Even as an adult, I’m still fascinated by toys that are mini versions of real-life things.

My inspiration comes from magical places like Kidtropolis at the Children’s Museum in Houston, Disney World, and recently, I discovered KidZania in Dallas, which I absolutely have to visit! I’m obsessed with places like that. So, with each playhouse I build and design, my goal is to cultivate the dreams and interests of each child and bring them to life. To me, it’s more than just a playhouse—it’s an experience, an escape into the imagination where creativity thrives. That’s the most important thing to nurture in a child.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Starting a business comes with its own set of significant challenges, from figuring out where to begin and learning how to run the business to securing funding, identifying the target market, and investing in the right resources. It’s an immense task and definitely not for the faint of heart, but I believe it’s worth the effort.

There have been times when I felt on the verge of exciting opportunities—people expressing interest in being investors, potential clients, and marketing chances. However, many of these prospects didn’t materialize, which led me to question if I was doing something wrong. I’ve learned that starting a business requires immense patience and faith. Just because things aren’t happening on my timeline doesn’t mean that God isn’t working things out in my favor.

It’s crucial for me to invest in my own growth and mindset to keep moving towards my goals and dreams. Understanding and working on oneself is often the missing piece that elevates both personal and business development. Whenever I face challenges, I remind myself that the answers lie within me and that God is guiding me; I just need to be patient, maintain faith, and dig deep.

Running a business is a continuous learning journey. Every day brings new lessons, and embracing this learning process is one of the greatest aspects of life. Remaining a student of life and business, while trusting in God’s plan, will take me far, and I see that as a fundamental part of this journey.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Discovering my passion for carpentry led me to start A+ Wood Dezigns. I fell in love with hands-on learning and building. My aim was to create a unique space in the carpentry field and inspire women and girls like myself. This business also lets me embrace my inner child, as I’ve always loved toys and creating my own world. . When I was younger I told my parents I would never grow up because I love my toys and I loved to play. Still as an adult my heart lights up when I see miniature things made for children because it’s so cute! I shifted my business to offering specific services and providing unique and quality products such as playhouses/clubhouses, Sheds/Safe Spaces for adults (also known as “man-cave/woman-cave”), and Pet Homes. I truly believe these playhouses can get children back to playing outdoors and it will contribute to making priceless childhood memories that are so important to human development. Play is a huge contributing factor when it comes to a child’s health and development. Research shows play can improve children’s abilities to socialize, relieve stress, organize, think, and increase emotional intelligence. I believe in the power of play and with these playhomes I desire to help expand their imagination and spread joy to children everywhere.

At A+ Wood Dezigns, we’re more than just building playhomes; we’re crafting spaces that ignite the imagination and fuel the potential of every child. Our mission goes beyond delivering joy; it’s about nurturing the seeds of creativity and empowering future innovators.

We believe in the transformative power of play, where every moment spent in our playhomes is an opportunity for children to develop essential life skills. From fostering emotional intelligence to honing problem-solving abilities, each design is a gateway to a world where imagination knows no bounds.

With dedication and passion, we create environments that inspire, educate, and shape the leaders, inventors, creators, and designers of tomorrow. Because we understand that the journey of childhood isn’t just about play—it’s about laying the foundation for a brighter, more imaginative future.

When people encounter our brand, we want them to feel inspired, hopeful, and nostalgic for the boundless possibilities of childhood. We aim to evoke a sense of wonder and excitement, coupled with the reassurance that our products are not only fun but also profoundly impactful. Our brand embodies the belief that play is not just a pastime—it’s a catalyst for growth, learning, and the cultivation of tomorrow’s visionaries.

What sets A+ Wood Dezigns apart in the realm of custom playhouse businesses is our profound love and passion for S.T.E.A.M. Not only do we craft enchanting playhouses for children, but we also strive to impart invaluable skills to both young minds and adults alike. Through our workshops, we empower individuals with practical knowledge while fostering creativity. Soon, we will introduce Montessori toys and kits, enriching children’s learning experiences through play.

One of our distinguishing features is our collaborative approach, where carpenters and artists join forces to craft truly magical playhouse experiences. Our skilled carpenters bring structures to life, while our artists infuse them with custom designs, harnessing their creative prowess to deliver masterpieces tailored uniquely to each child.”

Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
At A+ Wood Dezigns Playhouses, we’re not just in the business of building structures; we’re in the business of creating magical experiences for children and pets alike. With a passion for craftsmanship and a dedication to fostering creativity, we specialize in crafting customized play homes and pet homes that reflect the unique personalities of our clients.

Located in Houston and serving surrounding areas, our ground-level play homes are designed to inspire outdoor play and imaginative adventures. From large play homes for budding explorers to cozy pet homes for furry friends, we offer a diverse range of products to suit every need.

Our collaborative approach, bringing together skilled carpenters and artists, ensures that each play home is a true masterpiece, tailored uniquely to each child. With a commitment to quality and innovation, we’re continuously expanding our offerings, including future plans to introduce adult sheds and Montessori playhouse kits for children.

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Image Credits
A link was sent via drop box for images of myself and my work

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