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Meet Maria Alejandra Tafur of Katy, TX

Today we’d like to introduce you to Maria Alejandra Tafur

Hi Maria Alejandra , can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I am originally born and raised in Bogota, Colombia. My parents and I immigrated to the US in 2000 and made Katy, TX our home. I am a Katy ISD graduate from Morton Ranch High School. While in high school I was a part of the school’s dance team, Maverick Belles, and found a passion unlike anything I had experienced before. I quickly realized I wanted to serve the program in a larger capacity and was granted the opportunity to serve as a JR Lieutenant and Colonel for my senior year. That experience led me to commit to a dance education career for my college path.

The market crash of 2007 really hit our family hard and I found myself shifting gears and attending Lonestar College Cy-Fair to work through all of my basic college courses. At this time I also worked for Wells Fargo Bank where I learned a great deal about finances from various perspectives. To continue to pursue my passion of dance I heavily trained at Allegro West Academy. This time in my life really cemented in me the meaning of hard work, grit and pursuing a bigger purpose by daily sacrifice and action.

Two years later I transferred to Texas State University in San Marcos where I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Education and Dance. I came back to my home town and was blessed with the opportunity to work as the Assistant Director of the Maverick Belles under the direction of April Hunt, my former director/ best friend. I enjoyed 8 years of teaching and directing both JV Dance and Belles. Through dance April and I were committed to growing and empowering young ladies to seek excellence, higher education and overall strive to be exceptional in every sense of the word.

After 8 years of teaching I knew it was time to move on to the next chapter of my life which I always knew was going to be Real Estate. Since the age of 16 I have been involved/ learned about real estate from my mother and her partner. Within this time frame I also married the love of my life, Alejandro Padilla, who remodels homes for a living. Through him and by tagging along during the summer breaks, I have learned a great deal of what it takes to build/ remodel a home. This gave me a different perspective and a great desire to earn my license.

I have now been a licensed real estate agent since a little over a year ago and proudly work with amazing agents at Prime Real Estate Group, REALM Katy. Under the direction of our team lead, Elmer Garcia, I have been introduced to various transaction types and feel greatly supported by all of the other agents who are incredibly cooperative and collaborative. Being bilingual and having a teaching background, I bring a unique experience to our clients by educating them through what for most is the biggest transaction of their life. I feel it is important for us as consumers to be hyper aware of our options, liabilities and responsibilities when it comes to making a home purchase/ sale. I feel incredibly qualified to represent them in those transaction and look forward to expanding my network so that I can guide more people into educated real estate decisions.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Although I recognize my advantages growing up middle class, only child and fortunate to have been given a lot of opportunities by my wonderful parents. Looking back I can see the challenges I have overcome and they fuel my heart to keep pursuing what God has instilled in me.

Coming to the US and not knowing the language really made me feel out of my element. Although it is widely known that children learn a second language faster, I was determined to learn as best as I could and to this day continue to work on my second language by expanding my vocabulary.

As I mentioned the market crash of 2007 really put things into perspective for me as far as finances, educated decisions and overall needs/ want. Being a young adult right when the economy was falling apart made me hyper aware of our local and national economy in a way that has stuck with me since.

During my senior year in college I was unable to personally complete the final performance for the dance portion of my degree. I spent 6 weeks in and out of the hospital and doctors office due to a rare case of intense vertigo. I was unable to function on my own which was hard for an overly independent person like myself. This really made me reach for my faith in Christ and realize that the most important thing in life is to have one’s health and well being.

Going from an established career as an educator to starting a brand new path in real estate does not come without its challenges. I have felt humbled by some situations as well as empowered by the resilience working with teenagers gave me. The biggest challenge so far has been working on promoting myself, as this is something that does not come naturally to me. I am used to coaching others to be in the spot light and putting myself in front of the camera has taken me some getting used to.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a licensed real estate agent in our great state of Texas. I work in the Houston and surrounding areas and focus mostly on residential properties, although one of my goals is to expand into the commercial space.

My ability to speak and translate legal jargon to our hispanic clients has given me a reputation for being educational while also advising our clients to great real estate decision.

I am incredibly proud of the hands on knowledge I have in the remodeling space. This has allowed me to give informed advice to our investor clients who are looking to take on a flip project or expand their rental portfolio.

What sets me apart and makes me unique in the real estate space is my personable approach, the transparency I bring to every conversation and my insatiable need to be more educated then the day before which benefits our clients greatly.

Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
Join a team!!! Since a young age I have been a part of teams, led them and directed them and I can honestly say we go further when we surround ourselves with people that know more than us, have experienced more than us and can lend a hand or an ear when situations arise.

Joining Prime Real Estate Group has made all the difference in my real estate carrer. Although it can be hard to find a team willing to take on new agents and hands on coach you it is very much worth the search and interviews.

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Image Credits
Ling Wang Photography

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